My Tips Cantik originally started as a Twitter account on April 9th 2010 serving timelines with beauty tips, life quotes, product reviews and beauty salon information, even though I know that maybe there are other media that serves similar information however, my aim is simply to share especially with young women my age.
The Twitter account received such amazing response, reaching 10,000 followers by the end of 2010! However, Twitter 140 characters restriction makes it hard to discuss beauty in depth and followers were beginning to ask for beauty advices and makeup tutorials, so I decided to expand it into a website where they could freely discuss about anything that’s beauty related.
Most of My Tips Cantik entries will be done in Bahasa Indonesia because I feel that language should not be a restriction when it comes to expanding our knowledge, so as a beauty enthusiast, why not create entries that are understandable and informative for Indonesian readers adapting from sources like not only beauty websites but also everyday experiences, books and public opinions. I am truly hopeful for My Tips Cantik to grow into a bigger, better and stronger beauty enthusiasts community.
Great job!! 🙂
thankyou tetehku……
Congratulations once again, Mi.. !!! Aku bangga banget kamu bisa berkontribusi dalam langkah ini…… =) Keep up the good work !
Makasih miss Nona kelana….. Sukses to u too ya Mes….. xoxo
hai sista.. can u help me to find the shop that sell cuccio set or opi set for meni pedi with affordable price..? thx
@ devi I know a place that sells OPI products for less price but I’m not sure if they carry the mani-padi set
Bahas tentang skin care dan produk anti UV donk baik untuk wajah maupun tubuh.. 🙂
thank you cantik!
can u help me to find the shop that sell cuccio set or opi set for meni pedi with affordable price..?
Mantap sekali @.@
Dear Harumi,
Hai Harumi, perkenalkan saya Ullyartha Irawaty dari redaksi majalah intern perbankan Mitra UMKM di Surabaya.
Saat ini Majalah Mitra UMKM baru memasuki edisi ke 9 dan akan terbit bulan September 2016. Disini saya ingin mewawancarai Harumi melalui email, dimana akan di angkat pada rubrik kami “BeautyBlogger”.
Sekiranya Harumi bersedia bisa kirim balasan melalui email saya
Halo guys, aku juga punya tips cantik nihh, buat yg suka pake skin care korea terutama berbahan natural, gw mau rekomendasiin beli skin care korea di gue sudah coba dan gue suka banget, sharing is caring~ 😀
Mantap sekali 😀 hohoho
Bener bener cantik sekali 🙂