Sebelumnya… Minal aidzin walfaidzin ya guyss… Mohon maaf lahir & bathin, I hope you had a nice time with your beloved family & enjoyed devouring endless ketupat! Untuk yang kerja kantoran mungkin kamu udah back to reality dari hari Rabu kemarin cuma ada beberapa juga yang baru mulai aktivitas hari Senin besok. Karena gw balik lagi kuliah jadi libur lebaran ini ditunggu-tunggu banget… Biarpun hanya seminggu terus lanjut lagi ujian akhir tapiii I’ve been waiting for this week since semester starts.
Apart from enjoying Jakarta’s traffic heaven I was planning a whole bunch of activities in my head, dari mulai daily yoga sampe nyelesain tugas kuliah yang menumpuk aku udah semangat banget deh menggunakan waktu senggang ini untuk kegiatan yang gak sempet aku lakuin selama hari-hari kuliah. Fast forward a week after lebaran I’m still lounging in my pajama pants doing nothing other than completing Devious Maids and I only managed to do 1 Yoga session during this holiday. Great.
Sooooooo given the fact that I’m just being a lazy bum I thought I might wanna share a great post by Zalonku which features my TOP picks of beauty services in Jakarta, mumpung masih liburan siapa tau you want to check out these places 😉
Click Here to read the full post!
…Or if you prefer to feel like a queen at home check out my video for Spalosophy (at home nail & spa service)