Products of The Week: Ardell & Kiehl’s


Ya’ll probably hate me right now for not consistently posting product of the week hahahaha.. so I’ve been absence for 2 weeks since my last post so I’ll post 2 products! Self Adhesive Ardell Eyelash & Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate.

Ardell Self Adhesive Eyelash


The Claim: No glue required. Extra set of adhesive strips. Gorgeous lashes in 2 easy steps. Self Adhesive Lashes are pre-glued for quick application

The Truth: I bumped into these lashes pas emang lagi nyari bulumata palsu, habis kampus dan ada meeting. Ga sempet dandan mata jadi the best way is to apply falsies! Trus aku liat kata-kata self adhesive langsung nanya dong ama mba nya and katanya ga perlu pake lem lagi jadi tinggal tempel. Pas nyobain.. It’s sooooo good, bener2 ga ribet, apalgi untuk beginner, it’s totally mess free. Okay but the downfall is, emang lama kelamaan dia jadi ga terlalu rekat, by the end of the day the inner corners udah gak lengket. The best thing about is that you can re-use them karena strip lem nya ada 2.

The Price: IDR 79rb

The Place To Buy It: Beauty floor Sogo or Debenhams

Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate


The Claim: One night. Two drops. The potent, 99.8% naturally derived botanical elixir works all night to regenerate, repair and replenish the skin barrier for younger-looking skin by morning. Midnight Recovery Concentrate works at night, when skin is most receptive to repairing itself from daily aggressors. With skin hydrated, supple and soft, rest assured you can say goodnight to tired-looking skin.

The Truth: You all know that my skin is oily dan kalo bukan karena harus nilai produk ini untuk Harpers Bazaar Beauty award gw ga akan nyentuh minyak untuk pelembap but that night gw ada bekas jerawat di bibir (aneh abis kan posisinya) dan itu kering banget, super jelek dan ga ngeletek2. So finally I apply this concentrate abis cuci muka malem dan aku ga apke apa-apa lagi langsung tidur. Pas pagi itu si bekas jerawat kering & ngeletek!! Since then gw selalu apply the concentrate at least twice a week apalagi kalo paginya ada photoshoot, pagi2 kulit langsung haluuuus banget!

The Price: around IDR 450rb

The Place To Buy It: All Kiehls store, Plaza Senyan, PIM 1 & GI

2 thoughts on “Products of The Week: Ardell & Kiehl’s

  1. mi, mau tanya.. aku sekarang pakai perawatan dr dr. kun. dan dr krim pagi, krim jerawat dan krim malam nya sama kaya yang kamu pernah pakai. nah, kamu juga mungkin ngalamin kalau rasanya meskipun jerawat sudah jauh berkurang, rasanya kamu butuh perawatan lain utk membuat kulitmu lbh cerah lagi.. nah, si kiehl ini bagus ga ya utk digunakan sebelum pakai krim nya dr. kun? lalu, cocok juga ga kalau di combine dgn bodyshop nutriganics? thank you

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