Meeting Michelle Phan

Pernah nggak sih ngefans banget sama seseorang sampe apapun yang dia lakukan tuh kayanya keren aja gitu & purely gak ada rasa sirik tapi justru malah terinspirasi untuk melakukan sesuatu sehebat dia? Aku pernah. It’s been around 4 years since I watched her first “How to make eyes appear bigger” tutorial on YouTube, dia bukan aktris atau penyanyi tapi aku ngefans karena keinginanya untuk menunjukan bahwa ada banyak sekali cara untuk merasa cantik, salah satunya melalui makeup.

Sekarang dia sudah menjadi salah satu perempuan paling influential di dunia maya, subscribersnya di YouTube udah 2 juta orang, video viewsnya lebih dari 500 juta plus dia juga official makeup artistnya buat Lancome! She came a long way just because she simply shared. Even though aku gak pernah ngikutin makeup Lady Gaga inspired nya dia yang hits banget itu, but she inspired me enough to be who I am now. So now you can imagine how I excited I was when I met her in person back on the 27th of July right? Click more to read my unexpected moment with Michelle Phan.

Jadi aku tuh liat di Facebook page nya Michelle Phan that she’s coming to Singapore tanggal 27-29 Juli and bakal ada store appearance di Sephora ION tanggal 28 nya, itu asli sih yang namanya excited tuhh banget bangetan & ga mikir 2x langsung booking ticket. Nah pada saat itu aku juga baru gabung di Fimelahood yang membuat komunikasi aku & Mba Dien (beauty editor) di jadi makin intense, trus aku bbm “Mba, Michelle Phan mau dateng lho ke Singapore, Fimela gak ngirim orang? Kalo ngirim, aku aja deh yang berangkat” and surprise surprise, ternyata sampe orang L’ancome Jakarta pun gak ada yang tau doi bakal ke Singapore, so Mba Dien told me she’ll get back at me after dia re-confirm sama orang L’ancome… Aku gak ngarep apa-apa, I mean tanggal 28 nya juga Michelle Phan nongol di Sephora & aku udah beli tiket pesawat tapi gak ada salahnya kan klo kita nanya. Terus berapa hari kemudian aku ada meeting di kantor Fimela, terus Mba Dien sambil lewat cuma ngomong “Details untuk tanggal 27 nanti ku email ya, aku udah contact orang Lancome” aku bingung kok tanggal 27… Ternyata….. She got me into the exclusive launching that was for media only! Itu rasanya happy banget sihhhhh…. I just couldn’t wait! Thank you Mba Dien & Fimela!

The email that was sent to me & Yessica regarding the exclusive launching

Pas Hari H, I came 30 minutes early so that’s why I got the chance to talk to not only Michelle but also her team, I told them that she should visit Bali for her next trip! She was so lovely, nggak beda dari yang kita liat di YouTube, her skin was soooo flawless, I hugged her because it felt extremely surreal!

Michelle Phan team and I, aku di interview sama videographernya katanya buat documentary tentang Michelle Phan! Ahh excited!

Acaranya sendiri ngaret 1 jam, so it was the launching of the Color Design range by L’ancome bertemakan “Color Artistry Made Easy by Lancome”, ada makeover booth & kita bisa langsung cobain range Color Design tersebut, setelah guests pada mingle, langsung deh ada Makeup demo by Michelle Phan langsung!

Pas acaranya selesai, aku, representative Lancome & team media yang dari Indonesia masuk ke ruangan private untuk exclusive interview dengan Michelle. And here’s 5 things that you probably don’t know about Michelle Phan:

1. Her mom is the one who taught her about makeup & she got most her beauty tips from her
2. Before making video tutorials, 5 years ago she was just blogging about her daily life & art works up until her readers asked her on how she does her makeup
3. Bali is her next vacation destination
4. Concealer is the 1 makeup product she cant live without
5. She rolls her thumbs under her eyes when taking a hot shower, because the steam helps to regulate circulation making the skin appear brighter

It was such an unforgettable experience and amongst the tips which she gave away that day, the one that I will always remember is “If you have a blog, you have to nurture it like it’s your baby and always get connected with your readers

More Photos from the Event…

Me with Fimela, Elle, Harpers Bazaar & Lancome Indonesia representatives

Amazing view from the Zafferano Restaurant

We all received the new Lancome Hypnose Dolly Eyes Mascara  Waterproof inside our goody bag!

6 thoughts on “Meeting Michelle Phan

  1. Michelle Phan was in Jakarta and I missed her??!! The fuck… Ah i cant believe i missed it. Where did you see her??!

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