For Jakarta Globe’s My Jakarta

So my photographer friend, Rama helped me took pictures for My Tips Cantik column in Jakarta Globe (click here to read it) and here are some of the pictures from the photoshoot 🙂

For more of his work… Please visit his page!

6 thoughts on “For Jakarta Globe’s My Jakarta

  1. mi, aku sekarang lagi pake serum buat bulu mata dari dura skin. skrg lagi pake active lash maintainnya, kamu bisa rekomendasiin produk biar bulu mata gak rontok yang harganya lebih murah lumayan bagus? thx

    1. @Shinta – Aku pernah rontok bulumatanya dan pake Lash Serum dari Mavala non stop selama 2 minggu, resultnya berhasi. Bisa dibeli di counter Mavala di Sogo bagian beauty atau Watson

  2. Harumi, boleh tolong tanya ngga?…
    Harumi itu operasi plastik kelopak-mata ke dokter mana?
    Pertanyaan kedua, itu keliatan di foto Jakarta Globe juga- Harumi ke dokter siapa yg pasang breast-implantnya?

    Terima kasih sebelumnya.

    1. @Kristy – Thank you for your questions, I am grateful enough to say that my eyelids or breasts are made by Dr.God, if you are interested in plastic surgery made by Dr.Human please search in Google to retrieve a better source of information

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