
So apparently, not everyone is born with brows like Brooke Shields (if you do, you should be THANKFUL) because eyebrows frame your face, if you don’t wear any makeup but your brows are full and groomed, you will look absolutely fine but if you happen to have sparse brows (glares at myself) than you should make an extra effort to define it. I’ll talk about some tips on how to shape and fill your brows…. Let’s get started….

Shaping Your Brows

I was never allowed to shape my brows up until the end of senior year, I mean my mom recommended that I should keep my brow shape, remembering my age she said that arching your brows can add a few years to your look plus it requires more grooming and yes I must agree with that. Unless if you have like the worst case of uni-brow then you should not shape your brows until.. well… til’ you’re ready to take full care of your brows! Til then, if it needs more definition just fill it in with brow powder and you’re good to go.

So If you’re ready to shape ’em….

If you trust yourself that you will take care of your brows and promise to keep stray hairs away then welcome to the world of brow grooming. Here’s what I usually do:

1. Go to a professional eyebrow threader to get a divine arch (read the end of the article for contact numbers)

2. Use tweezers to touch up the shape by plucking stray hair

Do It Yourself…

If you don’t have the time to visit a professional, you can definitely do it at home but I highly recommend using an eyebrow stencil as a guide.

– Choose the stencil  template (I recommend the medium arch) stick the stencil on top of your brows

– fill in the stencil with a dark eyebrow pencil or eyebrow powder

– remove the stencils then you can see the parts where you didn’t fill in and simply pluck away unwanted hair.

Voila, perfect brows! Oh it’s best to do it after you shower when the hair follicles are still open so it’s easier to pluck.

One thing to keep in mind, don’t make your brows TOO skinny, stencil just act like a guide, you can modify the shape. Keep your natural shape to get the best result! After you pluck, soothe the plucked areas with cucumber to reduce redness!

Filling It In…

It’s entirely up to you on how you want to  fill in your brows but pay attention to the color! If you have dark hair, your brows  should be 1-2 shades lighter than your hair color but if you are light hair, it should be 1-2 shades darker.

– Eyebrow Pencil: the most basic way to fill in brows but it’s a bit tricky because it  can sometimes make the brows look “drawn”, draw with  soft small strokes and blend it with an eyebrow brush for natural result. (Rimmel or Revlon Eyebrow Pencil is so great)

Eyebrow Powder: eyebrow powder wont stick if you have little or no hair, this is best used on people that have hair on their brow to fill in sparse areas. However, if you dont have much hair, you can apply brow powder after eyebrow pencil to make your brows more defined. (LORAC Take a Brow or Bodyshop Eyebrow Kit)

-Eyebrow  Pomade: it’s basically a colored wax for your brows, can be used both to fill in and tame brow hair, yet again it will adhere to hair so if you dont have much hair on your brows, skip this option. (Anastasia Eyebrow Pomade)

 How I Define my Brows Video: 

All about brows in Jakarta….

Visit these places to get  your brows threaded by my favorite professionals

Mba Tari ( Caramel Waxing Salon Pondok Indah) – 0811858060

Ibu Narsih (Narsih Waxing Salon Puloraya) – 08158212142

Browhaus Senayan City – 021 72781486

Where to buy eyebrow  stencils? ModelCo has an amazing eyebrow kit along with the stencils too! Buy them at  Senses Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, East Mall 2nd Floor, Skybridge Unit B2-01/02, Phone: 021 2358 0237.


So… Are you going to arch your brows?? 😉

20 thoughts on “Alis…..

  1. dear Harumi, aku iriii sm alis kamuu!
    i was born with very thin brows. tipis, dan bentuknya pendek. dan berantakan. for real. aku pengen cukur bulu2 alis yg gak beraturan,tapi takutnya malah jadi tambah keliatan ‘botak’.
    do you have any you know tips biar alisku bs tebel? or what do u think i shud do? thx so much, gorgeous! 🙂

    1. @Nina thankyou dear… ada beberapa cara untuk merangsang pertumbuhan rambut alis, yang pertama pake minyak kemiri (ask your mbak to make this) itu kamu sapukan ke alis setiap malam, alis jadi tebel n hitam. Yang kedua adalah pergi ke Dr spesialis rambut, Erha clinic is known for that and kamu bakal di prescribe some kind of liquid medication yg merangsang hairgrowth

  2. Mbak harumi,,sampe skrg aku blom tau cara milih warna yg pas bwt alis aku.. Alis aku tuh item bgt..gak tipis,,tp jg gak tebel2 bgt.. Mostly,aku pke eyeshadow wrn coklat muda bgt utk bikin alis ku keliatan klo aku ke make up store gt,,aku mlh ditawarin pensil alis wrn coklat biasa.. Pdhl klo aku pke wrn coklat itu,,alis ku jadi iteeeemmm bgt.. Help me,please.. Thx b4,mbak.. Anyway,,sukses selalu utk mbak..

    1. @Gita – Pake yg bodyshop eyebrow powder spt yg aku rekomendasikan, pilih yg coklat tua, krn alismu lumayan tebel jadi pake eyebrow powder aja cukup, g perlu pk pensil alis

  3. hi dear..
    suka banget deh website kamu! jarang bgt di indo ada website beauty seperti ini. aku suka banget nget ngetttt sampe follow tweet kamu juga 😀
    aku mau tanya kalau mau threading, lebih baik nunggu sampe alisnya tebal dulu atau gimana?
    sama, aku mau request nih.. bahas tentang eyeliner donk sayang krn aku ada problem dgn my oily eyelid 🙁 jadi bingung pake eyeliner yg mana yg bagus dan yang ga nempel ke kelopak mata atas.
    thanks a bunch!!

    1. @Felicia – threading sebaiknya dilakukan untuk merapikan bulu-bulu yang terkadang membuat alis tampak tidak rapih. Kelopak mata udah pasti oily, eyeliner apapun akan bleber kalo ga dipakein eyeshadow primer. Coba NYX eyeshadow base atau MAC paintpot supaya produk ga meleleh

  4. dear harumi, kamu ngebentuk alisnya di situ how much tuh harganya? hihi. alismu bagus banget siss.

    dari kapan tau aku da pengen banget rapiin alis, cuma banyak yg nentang sih. katanya kan ga bole kalo belom married hihihihih ==a

    1. @ Rachel – hehehe iya that’s what my grandma said, tapi kalo dipikir-pikir ga ada hubunganya ya alis sama belum nikah… Hmm berapa ya aku lupa berapa harganya, kamu langsung telfon aja

  5. Harumi alisku tipis bgt j hrs pake pencil and powder kan tp milih warnanya gmn rambutku itu rutin aku toning item krn aku suka tambut hitam somehow makes me look better jd alizku item juga apa gmn? Masa rambutnya item alisnya cokelat?terus alisku bentuknya lurus and agak beda kiri kanan apakah hrs ditreading gt? Tp apa ga makin abis? Thnkzzz

    1. @bella – coba dulu aja pake pensil alis coklat tua untuk hasil yang tegas namun tetap soft, soalnya menurutku kalo rambut hitam alis hitam jdinya serem. alis kanan & kiri emg ga bisa kembar, di threading boleh untuk setidaknya mengurangi perbedaan tsb, trus baru di tambahin pake pensil alis supaya bentuknya sama

  6. @Felicia dear mau tambahin sedikiit. Pake bedak bayi yg dibaurin dulu di kelopak mata juga bisa ngurangin oily nya kadang hehe.

    Dear Harumi.. Mau nanya kalo semacam gel yg diaplikasiin di alis itu yg bening namanya apa ya? Dan merk apa yg km recommend? Makasiiih 😉

  7. Harumi, kalo wax di mbak tari oke jg nggak? Ingin mencoba wax di salon rumah agar lebih murah dari strip nih, kalo strip emg the best.

  8. Harumi apa kbr? Waaah skrng tambah cantiq deh,btw thk u so much ya,Mb Tari tiap hari kebanjiran threading eyebrow deh????,Harumi ayo kpn main ke Caramel? Kangen deh sm Harumi,ok see u ya ????????…

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