Oooooh my God my last post was like 11 days ago so I had to make up those postssss.. Technically sih ini udah kalah nih #30daysbeautychallenge nya… Tapi gw masa berentiii siiihhh?? Ga dong ya… Ok so anyway… Talking about holygrail makeup products I dont really have any, karena semua makeup buat gw holy grail, gw ga mungkin keluar rumah without any makeup. But if I really have choose, my holy grail products would be anything that has to do with complexion, whatever it is.. concealer, foundation, primer, tinter moisturizers, BB Cream, CC Cream whatever’ll do. I wont be able to say that makeup is complete without a flawless base.
At the moment I am really loving Smashbox CC Cream in Medium. Even though emang sih finish nya rada dewy dan aku harus pake bedak tabur to mattify it but it’s so lightweight dan I receive so many compliments. I recommend this product untuk semua jenis kulit!
Salam kenal mb harumi..:)
Mb klw kulit putih cocok g sm smashbox yg medium ini..?Bgsny utk kulit putih yg mn kr2 mb..?
Hi, ada pilihan warna nya say.. ada light-medum-dark setau aku… jd km pk yg light aja..
Thank’s infony mb harumi..:*
CC cream ini available nya di mana yah? rekomendasinya would be appriciate 🙂
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ka aku mau nanya klo benefit, menurut kaka lebih baik beli paket atau satuan? pemula nih ka hehehe thankyou ka.