So excited to be apart of the social media darling edition in Dewi Magazine along with my babes Dsaks, Wulan Guritno & Alodita, so basically we were asked asked about our journey hunting some of our favorite makeup. It said on mine that I hunted the Hello Kitty palette in LA, which is bener tapi aku nitip temen and sebenernya ga ngotot harus dapet. But oh well.. I love hunting products all over the world, I dont stick to one department store, I love drugstotes & online shop and I tend to splurge on lipstick, powder & foundation, like it’s a statement for me.
What’s your funnest beauty travel?
hellooo cantik,aku mau tanya sama kamu berhubung aku dan dirimu satu dokter yaitu Med.Kun.. by the way aku mau tau apa awal kamu di KUN kamu di purging alias ngeluarin semua jerawat dulu atau langsung very good? dr.Kun melarang sekali pasiennya facial apa kamu pernah facial ? hehe :p maaf yaa nanya nya borongan hehehe. soalnya aku make kun baru 3bulan. 1 bulan so far so good,cuman 2-3bulannya agak keluar jerawat2nya yah gabanyak sih. apa itu purging ya beb 😀
pls read my skincare routine post 🙂