Current Favorite Makeup Brushes

real-techniques-core-collection#30daysbeauty challenge Day 6 OMGGGG sorrryy telattttĀ wahh technically sih I lost the challenge already ya tapi gpp ya aku tetep share aja… Lately I’ve been obsessed with Core Collection Real Techniques brush made by one of the famous YouTube guru Pixiwoo. At first gw ga mau nyoba ah kayanya biasa aja trus dikirimin sama Stellarshop di IG, pas nyobain instantly lsg jatuh cinta, seri ini khusus untuk face jadi buat powder, foundation, bb cream, primer apapun deh tuh di blendnya pake ini enakkk banget. Even foundation butut aja yg tadinya aku ga suka di blend pake brush ini jd bagussss trus ukuranya pas untuk dibawa kemana2, gampang dibersihin pula.

2 thoughts on “Current Favorite Makeup Brushes

  1. Hi kak Harumi. Aku lg mau titip brush RT dr temenku di amrik, agak bingung milih yg mana nih can you help me? Aku msh amatir bgt ttg make up hehe. Yg pasti aku perlu 1 brush u/ foundation, 1 u/ shading, sama mungkin 1 u/ apply concealer perfectly. Any suggestions brush yg mana? (atau mungkin brush set yg mana?)

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