My obsession with cleansing oil started earlier this year pas aku dateng ke store launchingnya Bobbi Brown Plaza Senayan & disuruh pilih 5 produk untuk dibawa pulang, salah satunya aku pilih cleansing oil. Sebenernya dari brand lain juga ada & it’s not really a new thing tapi aku merasa produk ini “gak penting” untuk dipunyai, lagian ngebayangin minyak di muka kayanya malesin aja gitu. Long story short, that night when it’s time to remove all my makeup & I was amazed how well the oil remove every single trace of my makeup tanpa harus boros kapas on top of that my skin feels so moist! Read more to know how does cleansing oil works!
How does it work?
Simplenya gini deh, you know how your skin punya kandungan minyak kan? Biarpun muka terasanya kering, itu tetep ada minyaknya. Jadi intinya minyak & kotoran yang ada di muka itu melainkan dibersihkan dengan sabun/pembersih biasa tapi dengan menggunakan minyak! Jadi sambil membersihkan, cleansing oil juga mengganti minyak muka berlebihan dengan minyak baru yang sekaligus melembapkan.
For optimal cleansing & moisturizing results:
- Copot softlense sebelum pake cleansing oil karena minyaknya kalo masuk ke mata suka perih. Tuangkan cleansing oil ke telapak tangan lalu ratakan ke seluruh muka dengan gerakan memijat. At this point, biasanya eye makeup kamu udah mulai luntur. Give your face a good massage
- Lalu menggunakan waslap & air hangat, bersihkan cleansing oil secara perlahan. Luntur sudah semua makeupmu!
- This step is optional tapi berhubung kulitku berminyak jadi aku harus basuh lagi mukaku dengan air untuk make sure semua cleansing oil & kotoran sudah terangkat
- Tepuk-tepuk muka menggunakan handuk & kamu ga perlu pake krim malam lagi karena udah cukup lembap kulitnya dari cleansing oil!
My Top Cleansing Oil Picks
Cleansing oil is a bit expensive, ya tapi what do you expect, kamu beli ini tuh kaya sekalian beli pelembap wajah,it’s 2 in 1 babyyy!
Bobbi Brown Cleansing Oil – Smells like you’re in a spa
MAC Cleanse Off Oil – Smells a bit like coconut
Biore Aqua Jelly Makeup Remover – Not as oily as the rest, smells fresh
Ada yang pake cleansing oil juga gak? Kalo ada, share dong merk favorit kamu apa!
pake shu eumura ,dijamin langsung bersih dan halus banget kulitnya ,
Ga bikin jerawatan Mi cleansing oil?
I have been a fan of cleansing oil for so many years! It’s kind of scary to think about it but oil takes off oil and it makes sense. I go natural with simply raw & organic coconut oil or jojoba oil that won’t clog pores unlike the ones that are petroleum based. Plus, you get the whole natural benefits from it, straight from the nature! Sooo much more affordable too! Works like a champ.
Aq jg pke cleansing oil shu uemura, bersih bgt dr sisa2 makeup. Tp knp mata jd cloudy y hbs pke,jd hrs dbersihin pke air brkli2 br ga cloudy. Bahaya ga y?
pake shu uemura,cleansing oil nya tersohor sekali
Mi, habis bersiin makeup pake cleansing oil, gak usah cuci muka pake face wash lagi?
I’m using origins cleansing oil… I love organic products, salah satunya si origins ini krn kandungannya free paraben, free pthalathes, free synthetic fragance, dll… Krn natural, sangat aman buat yg pny kulit sensitif.. Why i’m so concern with ingredients?? Mnrt aku, paraben itu mirip ky MSG pd masakan.. Kalo bs dikurangi, knp ngga?? Dan origins ini salah satu brand yg aman untuk yg sedang hamil.. Krn menurut penelitian, paraben tdk baik untuk janin..
Im using belief cleansing oil. Soft effect after used.
Purity! Aku pake facial cleanser nya juga, tapi biasanya kalo malem/santai dirumah aku pake cleansing oilnya. Abis pake itu jadi seger banget dan simple karna all in one jadi gausah pake step step selanjutnya lagi 🙂
Shu Uemura is the most legendary brand for their cleansing oil! Lebih bersih drpd brand2 lain kayaknya. I’ve tried all of those brand that Harumi recommend above (Biore, Bobbi Brown & Mac). Shu Uemura is def the best (for me) hehehe.. Tp blm pernah coba origins. I’ll put it on my list.
@Fenny: aku juga suka foggy matanya, tp itu biasanya krn kita terlalu keras mijat bagian matanya (mungkin kamu pas abis bersihin bagian mata yah?) coba hindarin bagian mata terlalu dalam pas ngebersihin supaya ngga putih2..
@Asti: bisa jelasin detail ga metode kamu yg natural gitu gmn yah? pingin coba hehe
I’m wearin’ ZA cleansing oil 🙂 Baunya mirip sama baby oil dan bikin makeup gampang dibersihin, terutama mascara sama lem bulumata yang masih suka nyangkut2 di bulumata 🙂 Enak banget buat bersihin heavy makeup 😀
@tasya: hi tasya! mudah banget. basically, some oils like coconut oil, jojoba and olive oil they have great benefits for our skin straight from the plant nature. Skin care products skg banyak yg contain mineral oil which is derived from a ‘byproduct of the distillation of gasoline from crude oil’ (uhm, no thanks?). ppl usually try their best to avoid this, (they often have a bad rep even though their irritant and pore clogging rating is quite low) but it is a very inexpensive oil that is ALSO often used in a very expensive skin care products, and when combined with pore-clogging ingredients, mineral oil can excarbate this even more.
Kalau mau pakai olive or jojoba oil, make sure it’s virgin that is unrefined. To remove your eye-make up, dab a little bit on your cotton pad and terus remove aja make up how you normally remove it. taro cotton pad nya beberapa second di eye area abis itu remove.
Kalo pake coconut oil (make sure you get the RAW VIRGIN coconut oil! this has been untouched by heat to make sure quality + benefits), scoop pakai tangan (krn creamy kalau dingin), warm it up until it turns oily and just cleanse. Setelah cleanse pakai either coconut/olive/jojoba, drench your facial towel in warm water (really warm) and take off the oil residue.
Terkadang, aku ngak perlu moisture lagi pakai cleansing oil method ini. Aku paling hobby cleanse pake cleansing oil krn relaxing bgt pas taro towel hangat nya! 😀
PLUS: did you know that coconut oil contains high lauric acid that is similarly found in our mum’s breast milk? 😉 you know how beneficial it is. It is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and ect ect.
these oils are underrated and inexpensive :), they are also magical to use.