If you read this then you’ve been tagged! Kalo kamu punya blog please do this post & give the link on the comment section! Soooo… ClickΒ More to find out 5 things that you (might) dont know about me!
1. I’m very insecure about my skin – especially right now, I’m breaking out like crazy & my skin clears up for awhile then goes into an acne catastrophe whenever I’m stressed or tired.
2. Minyak telon is my middle name – The smell of it makes me calm, tidur rasanya gak nyenyak kalo belum pake minyak telon
3. I had a semester break – it’s definitely my choice & really guys I wouldnt do it if it wasnt for u, my parents disagrees at first but I explained that I never once let them down with my academics & I really couldnt juggle the work opportunities from MTC & uni so they let me as long as I finish next year!
4. I really want to have a legal certification in makeup artistry – I’ve been accepted twice into a very known makeup academy in London for their summer makeup course but I had to turn them down due to 1 particular reason which to this date I am still very pissed at. Lets hope I’ll get another chance
5. I had Hypnotherapy & I wanna do it again! – Google if u dont know what this is. Well I tend to keep things to myself, I only share joy not sadness so beside praying, hypnotherapy really helps me to get any grudges & keep my temper cool.
Did u see that coming? I hope u find out some new things about me! Rememberβ¦ Youβve been tagged to do the same post!
http://etanialie.blogspot.com/ π Thank you for tagging!
Harumi, i learned a lot about make up from you… i found your website like 3 or for months ago, i went thru ur website and read all you posts before i finally found out that i have such a big passion towards make up and stuffs ever since… thank you for being such an inspiration Harumi, Happy Birthday and have a great life! π
Tapi ko ngga keliatan ada jerawatnya ka?
6. Apa product skin care yg dipake sekarang?
Aku liat disini ada clinique and l’occitane ?
Tapi yang sehari2 apa?
Aku jerawatan soalnya π
Thankyou kak!
Dhia – kalo lgga jerawatan aku pake Clinique to berhubung skrg lg jerawatan jd pake dokter kulit, Dr.Kun
utk jerawat kamu coba pake retin-a deh. Bisa dibeli di apotik besar kaya century gitu atau minta diresepin sama dermatologist kamu. Info lebih jelasnya kamu coba deh cek video yutubnya checkinthemirror dia ngejelasin soal retin a gt. Aku sendiri lg pakai yg 0.05% selama sebulan, jerawatan berhenti dan terkontrol, komedo jauh berkurang, pori mengecil, kulit lebih halus dan glowing in a healthy way….
Oiya, utk beberapa orang retina bikin purging (jd jerawatan / jelek dulu kulitnya) tp itu proses ngebersihin kulit dr dalem… π aku sendiri purging ga sampe seminggu skrg udah bener2 bersih π ada jg sih yg purging sampe hitungan bulan
Thank you 4 ur info Putri, Retin-A is an oral medication right? Iya nih right now lg pengobatan Dr.Kun & kata dokternya emg skg lg tahap “purging” jelek bgtttt mau nangis
Kak harumi, aku juga sempet pake dr. Kun pas lg jerawatan. Emg dibuat keluar dulu semua jerawatnya, jd gak pedeee bgt hehe but dont worry after 3month bakalan mulusluslusss kulitmu π
Soraya – Iya thx infonya dear, aku jg ke Dr.Kun krn temenku yg tadinya jerawatan skr mulus bgt, cerita suksesnya banyak banget… Iya deh gpp jerawatan sementara tapi kedepanya mulus
nggaaa, retin a ini kaya salep gitu hanya boleh dipake malem π
Kata temenku yg perawatan di dr Rani jg diresepin ini doang + sunblock skrg kulitnya bersih bgt cerah bikin ngiri π
Kak harumi pake dokter kun cocok? Kisaran berapa sih cost buat ke dokter kun sama obat2nya juga? Makasih
Dr.kun emang cocok sama kak harumi? Berapa costnya kira2 buat konsul ke dr. Kun include sama obat/creamnya? Makasih π
Kak Harumi aku mau tanya dong, Kak Harumi hypnotheraphy dimana? aku mau coba tapi aku takut nih kalo salah2 pilih mediumnya. Kak Harumi bisa kasih rekomendasi dokter nya ngga? Thanks kak π
Namanya Dr. Iwan di Jl. Intan he’s a hypnotherapy specialist ph: 0812 963 8744
Mi.. I FEEL YOU deh.. Ini setelah sekian lama stop pake dr. Kun.. Udah 3 minggu pake trus muka menghitam dan muncul jerawat. Sekarang dilema nih apa diterusin apa stop. Btw, tips cantik pernah bahas ttg purging ga? Thanks, Mi… π
Risa – Aku sih kayanya kontrak mati sama Dr.Kun hahahahaha… Kalo lg purging ya jangan pake makeup & terusin treatmentnya
Iyaaa.. kemarin sempet dilema. tapi sekarang mencoba untuk setia.. hehehe wish me luck ya, mi.. biar bisa kinclong kaya harumi.. π
mau tny nih..ak dl jg sempet prawatan dr.kun..emg bnr bgt kulit muka jd alus dan bersih bgt..tp apa harumi dll jg minum obatnya terus2an smpe skr?efeknya jd kering gt ga?