Makeup during Paris Fashion Week

Europeans really take good care of their skin, most women yang aku lihat, barely even wear 2 swipes of mascara, tapi kulitnya sehat banget pipinya yang blushing gitu terus pasti bold lips. Dari mulai merah sampe fuchsia, matte healthy lips are definitely in. Kayanya kalo kulitnya udah sehat, mau makeup kaya gimana juga bagus deh. Biarpun setiap aku tanya “what’s your skincare secret?” jawabanya sama semua “drink lots of water” hahahaha! Pas nonton shownya Loewe, aku foto modelnya dari jarak super deket & ngeliat foundationya tipis banget, ga ngerti gimana caranya bisa gitu… I mean, it was a fashion show! It really showed me that its not the amount of makeup but where you place them is what matters, a little bit can go a long way!

Loewe model

I cant wait to take care of my skin even more after reviewing these ladies’ makeup!

One thought on “Makeup during Paris Fashion Week

  1. Kak, info n saran buat produk skincare yg bagus dunk kulit ku normal to dry skin, biar kenyal, lembab trus kl makeup harian awet nempel ny,,,tenkyu before

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