Loving Liole

So about a month ago I saw my best friend applied this cream on top of her makeup and I couldnt help but notice the magic it does to her makeup. Langsung nyerep minyak, jadi flawless in a second gitu mukanya and she told me it was a product from Lioele, terus akhirnya kemarin aku ke PIM 1 & kalap di tokonya, this Korean makeup brand carries alot of cute & innovative products.

Read more to see what products I bought…

What I bought from Lioele (dari kiri atas)

– Secret Pore HD Lose Powder

– Organic Blotting Paper with Puff (kertas minyak yang kertasnya udah ada powdernya & nempel di puff, pas udah selesai blotting kertasnya dibuang)

– Secret Pore Rich Balm (primer yang aku mention earlier diatas, bisa dipake sebelum & sesudah makeup)

– Secret Lipstick (warna di tube nya ada putih, ungu & hijau tapi pas dipake ke bibir warnanya berubah jadi pink/peach natural & tahan lama)

– AC Body Trouble Mist (body mist yang dipake sehabis mandi untuk menghilangkan jerawat & bekas jerawat di badan)

– Oxygen Foam Mask (not in the picture – Masker yang awalnya bening lalu kalo didiemin berbusa, bisa sekaligus untuk bersihin muka)

– AC Zero Night Spot (not in the picture – obat jerawat yang di hanya di aplikasikan langsung pada jerawat yang meradang)

Dari semua produk yang aku beli, please comment below on which one yang kamu mau aku bikin complete reviewnya? You can also comment on my instagram account which is harumips! Can’t wait for your reply!

12 thoughts on “Loving Liole

  1. hai harumi,
    aku mw donk complete review secret pore HD lose powder..
    soalnya tipe kulit aku berminyak + gampang bgt muncul komedo & jerawat kecil2, cocok g ya pk lose powder itu..
    thx y..

  2. Hai Harumi,
    Aku mau tau review lebih lanjut about Secret Pore HD Lose Powder & Secret Pore Rich Balm. lalu klo mau beli di pim1 di mana-nya ya? thanks for your info 🙂

  3. Aku mau AC zero night spot soalnya banyak jerawat di punggung aku. Jadi aku mau coba itu kira2 jerawat di punggungku bisa ilang atau nggak

    Thanks 🙂

  4. review lioele bb cream triple solution dong. apakah itu cocok untuk kulit yg berminyak? apakah itu cocok itu warna kulit sawo mateng?

  5. Ahh tolong bikinin complete review yang Secret Pore HD Lose Powder sama Secret Pore Rich Balm-nya dong ka harumiii

  6. hi Harumi. Nowadays, makin banyak korean cosmetics yang masuk indo. can you do some review about them? Like tony moly, and too cool for school (the new one in sogo PS). and I heard that bourjois healthy mix foundation and pther product is good, but can you also make an article about it? Thanks, I hope you do more often reviewing on not so expensive make up brand (nyx, bourjois, dkk) thanks

  7. mi, bikin ‘the best drugstore buys’ haul dong. sama i have a challange for you! bikin makeup tutorial yg total pembelian kosmetiknya 200ribu rupiah. hehe.. hayo bisa ga?

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