8 Tips for Pretty Prom…

Prom was one of the most amazing time in my life, it was one of those nights which I have dream about since primary school, it’s that night where you would wear the perfect dress, get a hot date and dance the night away with your classmates just like in the movies! It’s a night of victory, which you have the right to celebrate because you have completed one phase in your life, high school! So here are some tips untuk kamu yang bentar lagi mau PROM!

Apart from the dancing, the prom date, the laughter and memories you will share on your special night it is mandatory that you celebrate your victory era with not only with STYLE but also CONFIDENCE. Be prepared for everything, especially for your outfit & makeup, because in 10 years you don’t want to look at your prom pictures and say “ WHAT WAS I THINKING?!” Here are my top 8 rules on how to make the most of your prom night!

1.    Choose a comfortable dress with vibrant colors

I don’t know whether is it me that’s obsessed with bright colors but I find it flattering and youthful to wear a colorful dress to prom rather than wearing pastel colors, it looks better on pictures and bright colors represent our spirit as a fresh graduate that’s excited to see the world! Keep your beige, soft gold, pale pink, broken white and other pastel colored dresses in your drawer or if you’re not sure with vibrant colors, wear black! Other than that, comfort is important! Im not talking about pyjama comfort but I’m talking about “you-can-breath-in-your-dress” comfort, don’t choose a dress that will stop you from dancing, choose a dress that you can move freely in!

2.    Try your prom shoes for a walk

You do not want blisters after your special night or even worse blisters on your prom night! Remember to always try your shoes on for a walk before you decide on buying them, nggak apa-apa malu sedikit joget-joget kecil didepan kaca saat mencoba sepatu, kamu harus yakin kalo sepatu itu Pe-We untuk dipake saat prom dimana kamu bakal wara-wiri dan tentu saja, joget.

3.    Accesorize

Not too much though, find eye catching jewelry that will add sparkle to your look, you have to mix it up though and don’t wear too many at the same time or you’ll look like a gypsy. Pick a key jewelry, misalnya kamu mau nonjolin kalung, maka anting, gelang and cincinya harus simple and vice versa.

4.    Keep your hair simple


Ladies, kita harus sadar umur, kita masih umur belasan tahun, we don’t want our hair to be BIG and TALL like our moms, keep your hair simple yet flattering and go easy with the hairspray. Jangan membuat Lady Gaga sebagai refrensi rambut kamu untuk prom, kamu bakal nyesel! Selain memakai hairspray to make your hairstyle last longer, penggunaan foam sebelum rambut di blow juga dapat membantu untuk membuat styling di rambutmu lebih tahan lama.

5.    Be prepared for your overall look

You don’t want to be ribet on your prom day, if you’re planning on getting your hair and makeup done by a professional paling enak kalo udah bikin janji sama hairstylist or makeup artist jauh hari sebelum prom jadi ga perlu panik saat hari H. Disarankan untuk melakukan research terlebih dahulu terhadap makeup artist & hairstylist yang kamu pilih, jangan sampai hasilnya tidak cocok di kamu,. Memilih tempat yang bisa sekaligus bisa head to toe from hair to nails juga akan lebih efisien sehingga tidak memakan waktu di perjalanan.

6. Don’t try to match your eyeshadow with your dress

Unless you want to be like Dolly Parton, matching eyes and dress is not an option, pink dress and pink eyeshadow equals disaster, instead stick with the basic colors like bronze,black and shimmery beige. You can apply a bit of other colors as an accent but not on the whole lids. Applying shimmery highlights on inner corners of the eye and apply fake eyelashes will make your eyes pop even more!

7. Bring important items only!

Items like band aids (siapa tau lecet), kertas minyak, lipgloss, small size perfume, KTP, uang dan mini sewing kit (incase your dress rips) are probably the items that you must carry in your bag, don’t bring your whole makeup case because kamu pastinya gak may ribet dengan bawa kebanyakan barang kan?

8. Forgive and Forget


Whether it’s that one bitchy classmate or an ex lover that broke your heart once in 10th grade, you gotta forgive ’em otherwise you wont be able to enjoy your special night kalo masih ada yang mengganjel. You guys will probably be going to different cities and even countries anyway after prom so why keep the hatred inside, it’s the night to celebrate!

 So tell me.. How was your Prom or yg baru akan prom, pada bikin dimana & temanya apa?

12 thoughts on “8 Tips for Pretty Prom…

  1. Tema promnight aku fairytale dan diadainnya outdoor. Mini dress model A-line wrna orange/peach + tight hitam + heels hitam cocok nggak?

    1. @Manda – Outdoor? Jangan pake tights, panas.. Pake dress panjang sih aku recommendnya, yang modelnya flowy & ringan trus sepatunya wedges untuk menghindari heels nancep2 ke tanah, susah jalanya kalo outdoor pake heels. Tapi kalo mau dress pendek juga gpp sih tapi ga usah pake tights..

  2. kak harumi, aku mau tanya mukaku bentuknya agak bulat, untuk hairdo prom menurut kakak lbh bagus di up or down yaa?

    1. @sitta – kalo menurut aku di hair down, tapi di tata supaya lebih formal aja, mungkin di style setengah atau side do.. Klo misalnya mau dinaikin jangan ditarik
      kebelakang semua rambutnya, sisain poni utk frame muka kamu supaya terlihat lebih tirus

  3. Hello kak Harumi. aku bakal ada prom nih yg akan diadain di hotel, kulit ku agak sedikit hitam dan aku kurus menurut kak harumi lebih baik warna apa dan seperti apa ya dressnya? dan muka ku juga agak sedikit panjang lebih baik hair do nya bagaimana ya?

    1. @trixie – embrace your dark skin! wear warm colors that will complement ur skin tone, coral, orange or turqoise hue.. muka panjang? maybe km bs coba untuk berponi? trus makeupnya yg shimmer2 gold bronze gt, and pake anting yg cenderung bulet jd muka gak tralu tirus

  4. really nice article 😀 ! aku mau ngadain prom di musro nii. temanya las vegas. masi belum tentuin sih mau pake apa. cmn mngkin mau pake one shoulder dress warna nude” kecoklatan gitu. sama heels mngkin mau beli pump heels ato peep toe buat acc aku pake gelang. cmn masi bingung hairdo and make upnya msti gimana.. ada saran ga ka ? 🙂 thankkyouuu

    1. @cathryn – hmm Vegas themed? go woith vibrant colors or maybe some metallics & sequins, nude is so not the color or a Vegas themed. for hairdo? big sexy hair & sexy smoky eyes

  5. Skolahku mau ngadain prom di the stones kuta (indoor) temanya magic.. Aku maunya pake black mini dress kak, gimana ya caranya biar keliatan beda dari yg lain? Kan kalo temanya magic rata-rata pada pake black dress semua kak hhe

  6. hello ka harumi, bentar lagi aku mau ada prom bertema yunani,aku mau bikin baju yang model mullet kira” cocok ga ya? karna aku ga begitu tinggi, dan make-up sm hairstyle yg cocok apa ya? juga minta saran dong make up artist yg bagus dan bisa dateng kerumah. thanks ka

  7. halo kak harumi, prom di sekolahku temanya elegant with bright colors, trus akhirnya aku pakai baju warna biru elektrik agak keunguan gitu. warna makeup yang oke apa ya?

    oia, mukaku sebenernya oval tapi agak chubby aku bingung hairstyle yang cocok gimana ya kak? thanks kak 🙂

  8. kak, tanggal 5 juli aku bakalan tampil di acara concert choir. acaranya malam hari. ada 4 tema, classic+international folksong (pake dres panjang item), pop+national folksong (pake kostum yang warnanya lebih ceria) wajah aku bulet dan rambut aku panjang, kulit putih. kira” make up sama style rambut yg cocok kayak gmna ya kak?

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