My Favorite Salons!

I was introduced to “nyalon” at such an early age, my mother used to take me with her whenever she got her hair done and I would ask for a creambath or a mani padi ( I was 5 btw) so you can say that I’m familiar to the world of salon! Di artikel ini aku akan merekomendasikan beberapa salon that I usually visit in Jakarta, gak cuman salon rambut aja tapi spa, waxing salon dan juga nail salon! Aku akan mengkategorikanya sesuai price range! I hope this helps!



Lu’Vaze Salon Pondok Indah Mall 2 & Plaza Senayan


I always get my haircut here with Jimmy or Acun since I was 7 years old, they know exactly how to make my frizzy waves to be manageable, so visiting this salon is like a 2nd home because most of the hairdressers known me since I was so small. Favorit aku dari salon ini adalah air untuk cuci rambutnya powerful banget jadi rambut kita di cuci sampai squeaky clean! Yes the price is pricey but my blow dry can last up to 3 days! Oh iya, kalo rambut kamu kering coba deh minta dipakein Vitacimin, it smells soooooo good dan juga memberi nutrisi yang penting untuk kilau & kesehatan rambutmu.

Lagi di blow Ujang!

Recommended Service:

–       Blow Dry (try Ujang @ Lu’Vaze PIM 2 or Rahmat @ Lu’Vaze PS)

–       Haircut ( all of the hairdressers have their own touch for haircut but if you want to try my magic hands ask for Jimmy or Acun)


Lu’Vaze PIM 2 ~ 021 7592 0889

Lu’Vaze Plaza Senayan ~ 021 572 5155


Other Best Splurge Blow Dries Recommendations

–       Alfons Pondok Indah Mall 2 (ask for Mansur) ~ 021 7592 0715

–       Bianco Salon Plaza Indonesia (ask for Agus) ~ 021 29 92 35 22

–       Irwan Salon Pondok Indah Mall 2 (ask for Suradi) ~ 021 750 6747


Strip Ministry of Waxing


Awalnya aku skeptical banget sama tempat ini, apalagi pas ngeliat pricelistnya… Mahalnya LEBAAAY untuk waxing, tapi one day I decided to try karena penasaran juga and I immediately fell in love… Mereka sangat memeperhatikan kebersihan dan tidak menggunakan metode double dipping, jadi spatula waxnya satu kali usap langsung dibuang. Variasi wax dan after carenya juga banyak, interiornya juga lucuuu banget, bikin kamu nyaman dan lupa sedikit dengan rasa sakit pas di wax! Click for price list

Recommended Service

–       Bikini Wax, and you can ask bentuknya mau kaya gimana, the shapes range from heart to triangle! Hahaha so fun!

–       Virgin Bikini Wax, ini buat yang baru pertama kali banget nyobain waxing di daerah V, tetep sakit tapi ga sesakit yang biasanya!


Strip PIM 2 ~ 021 7592 0607

Strip Plaza Senayan ~ 021 7278 1489

Strip Plaza Indonesia ~ 021 2992 3538


Itje Her Salon


ULTIMATE beauty destination that has been around since the 80’s, this place is your go to place to pamper yourself head to toe in a pocket friendly way. What I love about this place is that their quality is really good kan murah bukan berarti murahan trus juga it’s women only! Tapi ya kekuranganya cuman 1 yaitu air cucinya kecil banget jadi kadang aku cuci sendiri di rumah pas nyampe sana baru di blow. Spa nya beragam, mulai dari ratus sampai lulur, duh pokoknya lengkap deh!

Recommended Service

–       Manicure – Padicure

–       Hair Mask

–       Lulur

–       Sanggul / Modern Up-Do



Jl. Cilandak Tengah 1 No 5. Jakarta 1240 Telp: 021 7501712

Jl. Cipete raya No 64. Jakarta 12410 Telp: 021 7501840

Jl. Wijaya X No 7. Jakarta 12160 Telp: 021 7252504

Jl. Cipete 1 No 8. Jakarta 12410 Telp: 021 7692143

So, tell me… Where is your favorite beauty destination? 🙂

24 thoughts on “My Favorite Salons!

  1. Harumi, mau nanya, untuk weave extension di venuz salon harus bawa hair extension sendiri atau disana disediakan?

    1. NyamNyam – udh 3 taunnn ga di Luvaze ga kerasa yahhh…. Aku juga lg jarang nih ngeblow di PIM, palingan ke LuVaze klo udh jadwalnya potong sama Jimmy hehehehe. Ok suksess yahhh

    1. Sari – aku potong di Jimmy LUVAZE PS, kalo di PIM 2 harus bikin janji dulu, harganya potong sama Jimmy kalo gak salah 650rb

  2. Coba gunting di markvs salon epiwalk epicentrum lantai 2.. Top banget hasilnya bagus Ga cuma bagus diblow.. Tapi habis kramas pun rambut tetap rapi.. Gw cocok sm hair stylist yg namanya rizki.. Gunting cewe harganya 200 + blow klo cowo cuma 100 ribu hasilnya rapi n cepet.. Rekomen banget nih.. Hair stylistnya berpengalaman n profesional.. ^^

  3. Hi Arumi.. Seneng banget ketemu blognya.. Pas lg nyari salon yg bagus ni.. Di Manado std semua soalnya.:p Klo utk rambut pendek recomm yg mana?? Info plizz.. Tengkyu b4 yaa.. xoxo

  4. jual serangkaian perawatan rambut KENSUKO yah..perawatan rambut dari Jepang terdiri dari Shampoo series,repairing series, treatment series.
    Shampoo Kensuko ini bagus untuk rambut yg kering, normal, diwarnai, rontok dan ketombe.

    Kalau berminat silakan contact aku ke 0817 828 777

    Moistening and nutriotius shampoo 4000gr 300.000IDR
    Moistening and nutriotius shampoo 760gr 160.000IDR
    Moistening and nutriotius shampoo 230gr 100.000IDR
    Anti dandruf and anti loss shampoo 4000gr 300.000IDR
    Anti dandruf and anti loss shampoo 760grDR 160.000 IDR
    Anti dandruf and anti loss shampoo 230gr 100.000 IDR
    Surpass shampoo after color 760gr 160.000 IDR
    Surpass shampoo after color 230gr 100.000 IDR
    repairing shampoo for damaged hair 760gr 160.000 IDR
    repairing shampoo for damaged hair 230gr 100.000 IDR
    repairing shampoo for damaged hair 4000gr 300.000IDR
    Moistening Conditioner 760gr 160.000 IDR
    Moistening Conditioner 230gr 100.000 IDR
    Moistening Conditioner 4000gr 300.000 IDR
    Repairing & reconstructing treatment(Masker) 760gr 225.000 IDR
    VE Repairing Mask 680gr+30grx8+20ml 378.000 IDR

  5. Harumi, mau tanya dunk, cuci blow di luvaze ps recommend sama sapa trs hrgnya brp ? Kalo di jhony andrean ps cuci blow brp hrgnya ? Urgent buat bsk taon baruan pls.. o ya luvaze tutup jam brp ya coz aq br bs plg ktr ke sana nya.. thx

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